Happiness starts with Dreamstr
Only good news! No spam.
Are you ready to be successful, healthy and effective?
Do you have goals but need support to get there?
Are you looking for a social network that takes bonding
with new members to the next level?
Welcome to Dreamstr Network
- FUNCTIONALITYClean and informative design where you can easily view personal notifications, community news, member profiles and their activities.
- PERSONAL PROGRESSRich statistics, achievements, personal branding and Social Trust scores.
- INVENTORY MANAGEMENTSharing or trading your belongings, donations, prices, requests and offers.

Dreamstr Network wants to connect real-life goals with advantages
of social networking, focusing on productivity, education and mutual aid.
Social trust is been a valuable concept for as long as there have been people,
because it helps people have confidence that someone is looking out for
them and has the answers they need. At Dreamstr, we’ve created a network
to help people become independently successful and happy, by giving them
the power to collaborate with people regarding professional values that
matter to them most — business and information.
With the Dreamstr Network, you can use your expertise (i.e., services and knowledge) to help other individuals or groups. In appreciation of your hard work, the community helps you implement your own dreams. To do this, the community grants you Social Trust points, which lead to financial incentives. The whole concept seeks to help members achieve their personal life goals with the help of real people.

Offer and request help (including financial, physical, and informational).
The Dreamstr Network has taken all of positive processes of interpersonal relations and redesigned them for the most simple and effective implementation possible—”you help others unobtrusively, doing what you like the most.” You experience pleasure from both the process and the final result by, for example, publishing an article about how to quit a bad habit. DN’s main priority is a community of solidarity with happy and successful members.
For scientific research, tutorials, or general educational materials. Determine your interests and seek those specializations on the Dreamstr Network.
On the Dreamstr Network, participants collect and process the most complete and objective materials available. Network members verify the articles posted on Dreamstr, and gain authority by virtue of their Social Trust, expertise, specialties, and popularity. DN’s clear structure, and the relevancy of the information that it provides, can save members hours of time that they would otherwise use to search for trusted resources.

Create big or small groups, participate in discussions, reach resolutions,
write and read real reviews, and conduct business with trusted people and organizations.
4 ways to unleash the power of communication.
Team up with professionals, and offer or request rewardable help.
Pursuing the things that you love will foster your talents, boost your faith, advance your skills, help you make new acquaintances, and give you financial independence and vitality! Interesting jobs bring pleasure to life.
The network helps unleash people’s potential; it also helps them achieve their goals. In fact, effective and happy people are what will make the Dreamstr Network community succeed!

Relationships among participants in the Dreamstr Network are based upon Social Trust (ST). ST indicates a member’s success and consists of a numeric value. Honesty, openness, responsibility, intellectual curiosity, and dedication define each member’s importance and value. This is the Dreamstr society’s foundation. Social Trust must be obtained (i.e., earned or given). The higher your ST rating, the greater the number of opportunities that exist for you. Imagine that wealth no longer consists solely of money, but also of your importance to society.

At Dreamstr Network, our purpose is to maintain a safe environment
for members to share and establish personal, business and professional
relationships all in one place. If you have a goal in mind, our unique
membership base can help you get there.
There Is Power in a Union
- Help. Individual and mutual.
- Protection. Every member is protected in a union.
- Verification. Real people, no bots, no spam.
- Social Trust. Keeps community safe and beautiful.
- Connection. Be a part of a movement.
- Positive change.
- Reputation is everything.
- Skills. Track your growth.
- Knowledge. Information that matters.
- Responsibility. Help yourself and others.
- Influence. Be a MVP.
- Flexibility and effectiveness.
- Access to goods and services.
- Income. Earn the money.
- Economy. Save the money.
- Environment friendly.
a numeric value that shows trustworthiness of a person or a piece of information.
Customized for all activities – communication, business, relationships, work, etc.
5 stage verification by our representatives: from phone number to ID
Help as a crowdfundng or professional support.
Achieve your goal by doing what you love!
Dreamstr is perfect for sharing economy.
Build your team and come to success together.
The atmosphere of cooperation and love!
Dreamstr gives you free tools and metrics for visual representation of your activities.
For a genuinely happy living, your spectrum must be balanced
like physical and mental health.
e.g. if you have problems with health, the network suggests you the best help
related to your illness, and if you have very low income and unable to pay
for any assistance, we also can find you a better solution – free help.

× Career / Business – specialty related tasks, Work desk, business communications, trades.
× Personal Development – time spent on learning and applying that knowledge to reality.
× Finances – money earned/spent, collected, donated, etc.
× Socialization – interactions with other people.
× Activism – taking actions toward something you stand for.
× Recreation – body needs your attention as much as your spirit. Running, swimming, karate classes, cross fit?
× Family & Friends – quality of relationships with your loved ones. How often do you have conversations and what kind of words do you use.
× Health – recent activity in Aid desk, especially asking for health related questions.

Dreamstr helps you to enhance current skills and acquire the new ones.
Skill progress depends on your activity within the network – special options, transactions, exams, Social Trust points, useful content making, etc. If you work in a few successful groups, you may become a Collaborator or if you specializes on particular photo editor like Photoshop, you may become a Photoshop Master.
Members with ability & willingness to learn – receive “Learner” badge.
Ability to Analyze & Synthesize New Skills – Adopter
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving – Problem Solver
Interpersonal Communication, Social Media & Online Communication Skills – Communicator
Collaboration / Teamwork – Collaborator
Subject Matter Expertise – Expert
Ability to Develop a Strategic Plan & Implement it – Strategist
Project Management – Manager
High Amount of Followers – Influencer
Active Content Maker – Creator

Graph helps you to track your income through different channels in Work desk.
Optional “Donations” line encourages you to be helpful to the community (or particular members) and actually GIVE. If noticed that the donations are over 0 ( like +$20 ), that means you received a grant or personal donation.
Optional “Education” line shows your spendings/earnings balance in Study desk. It makes sense to invest into your education or provide lessons to others.
Orange marker shows the milestones that you set-up to specific date or balance.

× Professor – professional skills .
× Mentor – advisory.
× Helper – personal charitable help .
× Leader – activism.
There is more information regarding science, psychology, and modern technology used for designing the Dreamstr Network.
Please read it and share it. Thank you.
Our team maintains an effective mix of development experience and seasoned leadership in order to provide innovative strategies and solutions required to meet the needs of our members.
We have limited invitations. Hurry up!