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Help me to achieve my goal.

Hey people! My current goal today is to connect people focused on creating positive result for themselves and for our friendly community. Let's spread the word!

Edit Posted on 11/12/2013 Comments (140) ST 1,234,567

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Welcome to Dreamstr! So far we are closed community, but you always have invites for friends

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Andreas Konstantinopulous had reached the goal

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The reality of "petition" websites.

For those unfamilar with the petition-site business model, here's how it works: you build a community of activists, then you sell access to it. Simple, right? Care* started as a place where citizens could post petitions about issues they cared about, and then ask folks to sign up to...

Paul McCorny

Lawyer, Traveler, Coach

Posted on 11/12/2013

The reality of "petition" websites.

Trimorphic plants the different lengths of the stamens and pistils, and their arrangement, could have been of any service, but now we know this to be the case. In certain whole groups of plants the ovules stand erect, and in others they are suspended; and within the same ovarium of some few plants, one ovule holds the former and a second ovule the latter position. These positions seem at first purely morphological, or of no physiological signification; but Dr. Hooker informs me that within the same ovarium the upper ovules alone in some cases, and in others the lower ones alone are fertilised; and he suggests that this probably depends on the direction in which the pollen-tubes enter the ovarium. If so, the position of the ovules, even when one is erect and the other suspended within the same ovarium, would follow the selection of any slight deviations in position which favoured their fertilisation, and the productionof seed. Several plants belonging to distinct orders habitually produce flowers of two kinds-the one open, of the ordinary structure, the other closed and imperfect. These two kinds of flowers sometimes differ wonderfully.

Paul McCorny

Preponderant migration from the north to the south is due to the great...

  • Lawyer,
  • Traveler,
  • Coach
Posted on 11/12/2013

Warning for buyers of used cars from Canada.

Unscrupulous car dealers are importing vehicles into the U.S. from Canada. Problem is they have been wrecked and repaired in Canada, then sold at dealer auctions in that country. When the cars are imported into the U.S., the CarFax comes back clean and the consumer...

Jessica Smith

Auto Dealer, Logistician, Journalist

Posted on 10/12/2013

Reply to Jessica Smith

Warning for buyers of used cars from Canada.

Unscrupulous car dealers are importing vehicles into the U.S. from Canada. Problem is they have been wrecked and repaired in Canada, then sold at dealer auctions in that country. When the cars are imported into the U.S., the CarFax comes back clean and the consumer...

Jessica Smith

Auto Dealer, Logistician, Journalist

Posted on 10/12/2013

Reply to Jessica Smith

Warning for buyers of used cars from Canada.

Unscrupulous car dealers are importing vehicles into the U.S. from Canada. Problem is they have been wrecked and repaired in Canada, then sold at dealer auctions in that country. When the cars are imported into the U.S., the CarFax comes back clean and the consumer...

Jessica Smith

Auto Dealer, Logistician, Journalist

Posted on 10/12/2013

What a wonderful speech.

Effective policies are needed to promote the principle of fraternity, securing for people, access to capital, services, educational resources, healthcare and technology. Greed is harmful for entire economic and social systems, exposing millions of men and women to...

Jerome Goodman

Writer, Biologist, Historian

Posted on 09/10/2013

Dog lovers, let's find a solution.

Dog rescue organizations are wonderful if they operate properly. Some groups are only in it for the $$. They get a tax exempt status & are free to cherry pick dogs from the shelters. This is even better than backyard breeding ! Most take cash only. They are Unregulated...

Tina Lopez

Caregiver, Zoologist, Clothing Maker

Posted on 09/10/2013